Tuesday 24 May 2011

Over The Rainbow

There's something about the changeable nature of Spring weather.

This year my mood seems to be as variable as the British weather.  Sunny and bright one minute, downpours the next.  Referring back to my DIY psychoanalysis babble book I am reasonably confident that I know the source of my emotional swing-ometer cum newton's cradle.

Put simply I am frazzled, trying to do way too much.  Add to that the fact there is a new Board at work, which brings the usual tension, politics, navel-gazing and land-grabbing.  But mostly I am missing one person at work who really 'got' me, someone I really clicked with - even if it was, at times, like working for Miranda, aka Anna Wintour's caricature in The Devil Wears Prada.

Anyway, on one particularly crazy busy day, while in my boss's office peddling hard towards the next powerpoint deadline, I suddenly spotted a rainbow, a double rainbow at that.  Lovely, just the thing to take your mind off life, if only for a few seconds.