Monday 1 February 2010

Let it Snow!

Well, Mother Nature has done her damnedest to prevent all chances of getting stuff done this month. I have few mantras I trawl out at opportune moments, many of them probably conflicting, but useful to either prove or disprove something, depending on which way the wind is blowing.

"Work hard, play hard" - that's what I always say. Or at least I did before the snow-fest that was January 2010. Few chances to do either, this month, have led to serious bouts of cabin fever, compounded by snotty noses, sticky eyes and achy neck which seems to have lasted ages. As one friend said to me - she of the high-flying, 80-hr average week type, "I've been in my pyjamas for the past two weeks. Can't get off the drive!"

For businesses everywhere, January was a virtual write-off. Even the best-laid going out plans came a cropper because of the pretty white stuff, and the mucky slush and ice that inevitably follows.

The worst thing is though, just when we thought it was gone - quelle surprise - IT'S BACK!!!

The difference is that this time, I am fit and well, unlike round one, when the snow seemed to be some cruel reminder of the fact that I was too ill to go out. The older I get, I am constantly reminded of the value of health and happiness. These two gems are so underrated. Instead we all crave stuff, more and more stuff. Or, as I heard Charles Handy put it - we desire unnecessary things, we crave getting and spending, almost for the sake of it.

I woke up on Sunday morning, tired from the previous night's revelry - a Haiti fundraiser I helped organise, where the ravers were unaware of the deep freeze descending outside. But I was fit and healthy, minus ongoing cartilage repair rehabilitation. So, I got up and built a snowman with my daughter - much fun. Let it snow!

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