Thursday 29 July 2010

Do they have wi-fi?

Modern technology is great isn't it? Advances in digital technology and connectivity have opened up new worlds for individuals, businesses, communities and countries.

At the same time, I firmly believe that this same ubiquitous connectivity is responsible for much of our modern-day stresses and pressures. Put simply, we are always on.

20 years ago, when there were few mobile phones, people simply couldn't be reached when they were travelling, or on holiday, or out for dinner. Emails would not be read, let alone actioned, until the following working day, if the recipient had already gone home.

Now, with mobiles, blackberries, iphones, ipads and other time-saving, sanity-sapping devices, we are always on. And I'm really not trying to raise the gender thing here, but guys, you are by far the worst at this, yet you doth protest the most. Mobile phones are answered in restaurants, cars (obviously), planes and trains (even with the dreadful Euston to Birmingham signal). Blackberry messages are picked up and sent at all hours of night - what must their partners think of them? Do they sneak off to the bathroom to send these messages??

Anyway, my point here is that being on 24-7 can't be good for us. Where is the down-time, moment of calm in the day, R&R? How can we possibly recharge our batteries when we are always on?

One of the great bosses I had a few years ago always used to leave the first hour and a half of every day completely free. No meetings under any circumstances. He also used to like going for a walk at lunchtime. I admire this self-discipline.

I currently find myself in an organisation where, if you will allow it, you will always be on.

I know this because when my friend booked us in for a spa break this week, I said to her, "Do they have wi-fi?"

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