Sunday 19 April 2009

Have You found Joy in Your Life?

OK, so I'm a year or so too late, but after watching The Bucket List on Saturday night it really got me thinking. Jack Nicholson gives an absolutely amazing performance, and Morgan Freeman is....well, his usual regal self. And, I said this blog was going to be about music, love and life - so here's a bit on life.

If you don't know the plot, its essentially about two people brought together as they face death. they create a list of things they want to do before they expire. Its a big hug of a movie, with a heartwarming storyline, and plenty of laughs and tears. Freeman's character is full of interesting bits of trivia, but the point that made me raise my eyebrows, leave the plot line and check my own soul in the mirror, was when he asks Nicholson the two questions - Have you found joy in your life? and Have you brought joy to others?

Pretty deep stuff for a Saturday night Sky Movies night on the sofa but it got quite a family debate going about how to live life and approach death (sobering, happy thought:-). Whilst one pledged to live every day as though it was their last, another vowed not to change a thing and continue to not think about death, I decided to go for the middle ground - living life to the full, with no regrets. This blog is a part of that...

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