Monday 6 July 2009

I heart New York

I have run on and off for about 12 years now, and am currently very much in the "on" position. I run four or five times a week and am keen to run another major city marathon, having completed my first in New York a couple of years ago.

So, imagine my disappointment when I found out I hadn't managed to get a place in the ballot for this year's marathon. To say I was GUTTED, would be an understatement. The very polite email comes through which starts off "Thank you for applying...blah blah blah". You know very well from this opening line that you haven't made it. And then imagine my horror... I mean, delight, of course, when I saw the opening line in the email to my novice husband's entry "Congratulations. You have been accepted...blah blah blah". This is so not fair!!!!!

I have spent the past few weeks in my own little Kubler Ross change curve of emotions - denial - not quite believing that he had been successful on his first application, when he is nowhere near as passionate, has not entered for NYC and London marathons 3 times each, as I have, is not as dedicated to running, and in no way hearts NYC as much as I do - it is my spiritual home. I really was expecting a follow up email which said there had been a mistake. Anger had to be suppressed as I had to be happy for hubby, as a supportive partner (Yeah, right!). Depression - I decided I wouldn't even bother going. I was trying to be so blasé about the whole thing, so suggested he could go and make a "boys' weekend" out of it (Yeah, right!). And finally acceptance. I am truly happy for him because it will be an amazing life experience. And I will be there to cheer him on, as he was for me two years ago when I choked up at the sight of him cheering me on at the end of the Queensboro Bridge (a very tough mile 16)... New York, here we come :)

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