Thursday 19 August 2010

Wolf whistling is alive and well

Is it just me, or is wolf-whistling on the increase?  Whilst out for my early morning run on Tuesday I was slightly taken aback when I heard this strange noise, looked around and saw a parked-up driver with pursed lips.  Then on Thursday, I had two horn-honks, in close succession.  At one stage I thought I must have forgotten to put my running vest on, or might have split my shorts.  But no, no wardrobe malfunctions.

It got me thinking about how women in the eighties used to get so hung up on wolf-whistles, and being called "love", or "darling" in the office.  Funny how times change.  Now it seems to be the norm for everyone to refer to each other in affectionate terms such as chick, hun, duck, love, treacle - whether you are male or female, and noone seems to bat an eye.

Even in the office, most women I know tend to hold their own, and give as good as they get.  Don't get me wrong, we still make a mental note of men with an inability to keep the eyes away from the chest-region. But we are probably less likely to go running down to HR to complain, and are more likely to simply recognise this male deficiency and move on, occasionally laughing at said individual with other colleagues who have clocked the same.

I'm not condoning those who cross the line, just saying that I think the line has moved and blurred, since the media and shoulder-padded feminists have stopped telling us it was all so demeaning.

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