Saturday 3 October 2009

Its Back

Apologies now, to all high-brow musicians who would not dare to stoop so low as to even entertain the thought of watching a trivial, trite, popularity-contest-masquerading-as-a-singing-cum-talent-competition, and utter manipulation and misrepresentation of the blood, sweat and tears that is the music business. Of course, for us normal folk who enjoy listening to pop music, and quite fancy a bit of light-hearted entertainment with the odd bit of over-dramatisation, Saturday nights mean one thing - X Factor (watched live or Sky Plusd of course).

Over the next three months millions of conversations will be had over the wisdom of the judges, the song choices, the shaggy dog stories, the Christmas duets. Like it or not, its becoming a hefty part of British pop culture.

So, who is my money on. Well, I got it wrong last year by backing Laura White, who I would still cite as the better performer. This year, I feel the standard is mediocre - the Girls all sound nice, but a bit bland, same for the Boys. The Groups are generally atrocious, except for the interesting rapper/singer who stands out a mile, and has been forced into a group in a blatant attempt by the judges to bolster that category. For the first time in a few years, the Overs is the category to watch, particularly the men. If I was Simon, I would take all four blokes through. Except he can only have three, and I cant see him keeping it an all male affair, although I'm sure the female viewers wouldn't mind.

This year, l am backing Daniel Pearce - the second time around guy, with the mohican. Lets see if I'm right...

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