Saturday 8 January 2011

NY Resolutions - One week in and going strong

I am finding this new take on resolutions delightfully energising.

I have strummed on my guitar virtually every day since watching with envy at the frolics and fun of the band playing Jools' annual hootenanny.  I know now a number of chords and have even taken to playing quite a few 3-chord songs - including 'The Star Spangled Banner', Irreplaceable and many many songs made famous by the Everly Brothers, who my Mother used to love - she has played and written songs for years.

I am still using my sumptuous Sanctuary, Champneys and Clarins spa products every day.  This one is easy as I have obviously reached an age where my friends are both mature and insightful enough to buy me these indulgences for birthday and Christmas pressies - lush.  So I don't even need to spend a penny to keep this one!

My other resolutions are also going well - eating meals regularly with the family, blogging more(!) and I am certainly planning to buy the Sunday Times tomorrow and spend at least an hour reading it in bed.

One week in and all is well.  Give it a month and we'll see :)

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