Tuesday 3 January 2012

Mobile me!

Ah...the frustration. In the pursuit of getting connected I am increasingly reliant on using LinkedIn, twitter, Facebook and other social media on the go. But the functionality is so bad on some of these mobile versions and apps.

In technology terms i am probably a bit of a laggard, figured i was coming to the party fashionably late as usual, and that this mobile thing would be all sewn up, seamless, childsplay even. Not so, it seems. Why is it so difficult to get things done on my iPhone or iPad?

I'm no techie (maybe that's the problem) so when basic tasks become too difficult to complete, eventually I just give up and go spend my time more productively. Blogger, I love you, but your app is ... well, let's just say its very rudimentary (polite British phraseology).

In the last few days I have come across site after site where the mobile functionality is so bare, you can do nothing but view content. There are blogs that default to mobile view, and by hook or by crook I can't flip them back to classic, even on my iPad, so i literally cannot do anything to interact with, or follow the content. Maybe that's how they want it to be! If anyone knows a workaround for the mobile vs classic view on iPad please share it with me!

So for the moment I am still wedded to three devices, including laptop. Funny that isn't it? And when more TVs go touch screen, what then? Technology/device convergence has been mooted for years and there are going to be plenty of losers in that brave new world. Maybe that's why there is little incentive to fix these things in a hurry.

And have they fixed Skype yet?http://millermuses.blogspot.com/2010/08/thing-about-skype.html

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