Tuesday 17 January 2012

Winds of Change

Is it just me or does this January seem different? Yes I know this is the month where people make and break resolutions, get divorced, are made redundant or quit their jobs, but this year there seems to be even more change afoot.

Maybe there is a backlog of change because of the economic cloud that's been hovering for the past few years. Not being able to sell a house can make a person feel very much tied to their current set of circumstances - marriage, job, location, for example. Maybe we are about to see a few years worth of change suddenly unleashed.

For the second January in as many years I have a new boss. No, I haven't changed jobs, I just have a new boss due to the latest round of musical chairs. The last time this happened I was feeling very apprehensive about my new modus operandihttp://millermuses.blogspot.com/2011/01/every-days-school-day.html

As it turned out it was probably with good reason, as I had a tough time re-establishing myself in the 'new camp' - some of which was probably my own doing, as at times it may have appeared as if I had taken my toys home and decided not to play, coupled with my inability to flex my style sufficiently for my new 'accountant-shaped' bosses. Yes I am an accountant, a Chartered Accountant at that, but I am shaped more like a.... a creative, people-person with accountant-like leanings;-) Not so this year - no frickin way. For one thing, I am feeling more positive about the change. I have gotten to know these new accountants and I quite like them... now. And for another I am clearer about my own personal and professional agenda, what I want to achieve ths year - no more passive meandering, waiting for things to happen.

I keep saying this and I'll say it again, this year is going to be a BIG year for people in the UK. I can feel the winds of change.

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