Thursday 27 May 2010

Sex and The City 2 - Them that don't get it, don't like it

Well, well, well... once again the critics have got the cutlery out over the new movie.

I have given myself brain-ache today thinking how can women not like sex and the city?

This evening I have read the reviews, mostly written by men.

And I can come to only one conclusion. Those that don't like it don't get it. I don't mean this in a patronising way. I just mean that they don't identify with it. They probably aren't, nor do they know, brassy, upfront, liberal, shopaholic women in their thirties or forties who struggle with relationships and juggling work, men, family etc. Because that is essentially at the heart of Sex and The City.

In the same way that Chris Moyles sometimes suggests that the odd listener doesn't get the show's irony, I suggest that those that don't like it just don't identify with it. You see, the draw is identifying with the aspects of women and relationships that SATC explores in a funny and mostly light-hearted way. It almost doesn't matter how crap the storyline is because it isn't the plot that people are attached to. You only need to watch the first series to realise that. It is the one-liners, anecdotes and scruples that people identify with, and can relate to experiences they, or other friends have had, which is so appealing.

So it doesn't matter that the lifestyles and story lines are incredibly far-fetched - anyone read Dan Brown recently?? because the underlying thread of identifying with the worries, anxieties, happiness, self-doubt and aspirations of women in that age-bracket, regardless of earnings or lifestyle is still at the heart of the film, and is what the fans love.

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