Sunday 23 May 2010

Sex and the City 2 - why do men hate that we love it?

Click here for your invite:!/event.php?eid=122628284433820

OK maybe not all men, but a good majority, really seem to dislike SATC and everything associated with it eg. SJP's looks, her royal styleness.

What is it that men don't like about it? Is it that the story centres around strong successful women? Or that the characters are sexually liberal and take no prisoners in the bedroom department, often being quite critical of their dates' sexual prowess? Or is it just that it is like a secret society whose language is understood only by women in their twenties, thirties and beyond.

Personally I think it's the latter. In the same way that my husband dislikes Sarah Cox, whilst my girlfriends and I think she would be an absolute scream on a night out.

And then there are the serious film critics who like to point out how unrealistic the 4 characters lives are. OK, but when did realism become a criteria for TV or film? Thank you Mr Critic, but we are big girls who can distinguish the real from the fantasy.

It is harmless fun (discuss), and an opportunity for women to bond and celebrate friendships in the real world. It touches on a number of issues that women can identify with - like caring for elderly parents, glass ceilings, cancer, pursuing men who are clearly no good for you, and yes - shoes - in a candid and humorous way. What is there to dislike about that? Unless you simply resent us women having something to enjoy in a way which doesn't include you? You of course (insert stereotypical SATC male sports-loving character, like the one who even Samantha couldn't lure away from the TV) have the world cup to do the same over. And long-suffering partners the world over will show some degree of support and enthusiasm because they will be happy that you are bonding with your friends over what is, after all, only a game (discuss).

I do have a couple of male friends who 'get it'. One of them said that it teaches men a lot about women and their friendships. Whilst the other said that he didn't like it because '...Big treated Carrie like crap, and she still ended up with him - how is that a happy ending?' Well said, Paul.
Anyway I, for one, can't wait. For me the film is all about friendships, and reminds me how very grateful I am for the ones I have.

If anyone wants to come enjoy the film with me and a whole host of other women, follow this link:!/event.php?eid=122628284433820

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